In a previous post we saw how to use Fenwick Tree data-structure to make fast range queries over a collection of elements. One of the advantages of Fenwick Tree comes in use cases where the underlying collection is dynamic - i.e., there are frequent updates of the values it contains.

Recall the structure of a Fenwick Tree that we introduced earlier.

If the element at index 4 gets updated (in the underlying array from which our Fenwick Tree is built, note that we are using 1-indexed arrays instead of 0-indexed arrays which we will take care of in our code), we need to update only elements at 4, 8, 16, … instead of updating everything to the right of index 4 (4 … end of the array). We follow a similar procedure as we did for our query function and look for the next parent to update (i.e. node with the next bit set). In the case of 4 (00100), it would be 01000 (8), and so on, which is accomplished by i + (i & -i). Let us consider an update (in this case, an addition of a value to the existing value):

void FenwickTree::update(int index, int val)
  int n = fwtree.size();
  index += 1; // take care of 1-indexing in Fenwick Tree
  while (index < n)
    fwtree[index] = add_val(fwtree[index], val);
    index += index & -index;

add_val() could be subtract or multiply or any other function.