Welcome to my corner of the web!
I was a Computer Scientist at INRIA, Île de France in Christine Paulin-Mohring’s team working with an amazing, intelligent set of researchers on tools and techniques for reasoning about safety critical software. I worked with Claude Marché on algorithms for automatically generating invariants to help deductive verification of safety critical programs using Frama-C platform. I also got to work with the awesome Jean-Christophe Filliâtre on Functory - a distributed computing library for OCaml.
As a part of my PhD in Computer Science I worked with Alessandro Cimatti, Marco Roveri and R.K. Shyamasundar on SMT based techniques for predicate abstraction and model checking, using NuSMV and MathSAT. I also got to work on synchronous and dataflow programming languages Estérel and Lustre/SCADE for reactive systems.
I am interested in programming languages, algorithms and automated reasoning. Besides, I am also curious about NLP and machine learning on graph structures and the intersection of logical reasoning and deep learning. My knowledge of Mathematics and Computer Science, along with my experience in deep learning accelerators is helping with this curiosity.
Outside work, I am curious about a plethora of topics - from people, languages, traditions, philosophy, economics and the intersection of these with AI and other technologies and their impact on society and human behaviors. I am happy to discuss any or many of these over . I am also passionate about education, teaching, mentorship and talent development and regularly mentor at School42, Technovation, Nodeschool and ACM SIGPLAN(M).