More about auxiliary functions and recursions →
In an earlier posts, tail recursions were introduced using two very simple functions tr_lst_sum
and tr_lst_rev
. In this post, let us carefully observe the structure of some simple tail recursive functions and see what they have in common. We will understand and use this information to write a generic function that can be used to write these other functions. Sounds like inception movie eh? Let’s get started!
Here’s the tail recursive version of lst_sum
to sum an input list lst
of elements.
let tr_lst_sum lst =
let rec aux_lst_sum lst acc =
match lst with
| [] -> acc
| h::t -> aux_lst_sum t (acc + h)
aux_lst_sum lst 0;;
And here’s the tail recursive version of lst_len
to compute the length of an input list lst
of elements.
let tr_lst_len lst =
let rec aux_lst_len lst acc =
match lst with
| [] -> acc
| h::t -> aux_lst_len t (acc + 1)
aux_lst_len lst 0;;
Let’s carefully observe the above two functions and try to understand the pattern - the recipe for such a computation. In both the functions,
- We have an initial accumulator (in this case the value is
but it could be anything in general) - We traverse the list, apply the auxiliary function to the initial value of the accumulator and a list element and compute a new value for the accumulator. 2.1. We do the above step to each element of the list (by calling the auxiliary function recursively/repeatedly on each element) and compute new values for the accumulator on the way
- When we are done with the entire list, we return the accumulator contents as the result
Now, if we just denote the auxiliary function by faux
, it has a general shape - faux acc lst
- we do traverse the list lst
, but this is the general shape that we observe - call faux
on the initial value of the accumulator acc
and a list element and use the resulting value as the new value of the accumulator for the next call. For example, in the above functions the new values of the accumulators are (acc + h)
and (acc + 1)
. Now, let’s try to wrap this all into a single function, which we would call a leftee
- which would take three parameters - an accumulator acc
, a function f
to apply (to the accumulator and list element), and of course a list lst
to work on and will look like leftee f acc lst
. We call it leftee
for a reason… (I think readers are already getting a hint as to where this is headed. Good!).
let rec leftee f acc lst =
match lst with
| [] -> acc
| h::t -> leftee f (f acc h) t;;
(* ('a -> 'b -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'b list -> 'a = <fun> *)
As we see above the new value of the accumulator is the function applied to the current value of the accumulator acc
and a list element h
Now, let’s rewrite tr_lst_sum
and tr_lst_len
using our leftee
let tr_lst_sum lst = leftee ( + ) 0 lst;;
Here ( + )
is the function - just the addition operator. Isn’t it super concise? Aren’t you in love with this already?
let tr_lst_len lst = leftee (fun x _ -> x + 1) 0 lst;;
Food for thought - how would you use leftee
to reverse an input list?